Expecting God.

Last week I posted some thoughts on grief. It wasn’t meant to be a systematic or comprehensive treatment of the topic, just some travelling meditations. I ended with a series of questions that were really a set of variations upon the primary psalmic question: How long O Lord? (Psalm…

Piercing the Wall

I watch the girl on stage. The spotlight is away from her, the cues which direct our attention direct it elsewhere. She is now a prop, a frame. She shifts posture slightly every half-minute. Clearly, the way she sits – weight on her one wrist, feigning watching TV – is uncomfortable. Her…

The Purpose Driven Space

The spatiality of created beings is not an accident. Much of the attention given to the explaining spatiality in our philosophical tradition has focussed on the necessity of space. Space is ‘necessary’ in the sense I was talking about last post: we find it impossible to think of objects in…

The Space Between

This year I’m planning to write 15,000 words (give or take) on the topic of Space. Well, that’s what I think it’s going to be about… hmmm, the final frontier. Although I am genuinely fascinated by extra-terrestrial exploration (I have a deeply cherished ambition to be…

Thoughts on Suffering and Hope

1. Christians are saved into suffering – to be Christian is to put on Christ – to join with him in suffering. The Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ—seeing that we suffer…