Antenatal Classes

[a nativity poem in three trimesters] The First Trimester Miriam’s chromosome in courting spirals Embraces another, such an other — an unfathomable Y. All the junk, viral, evolutionary, specific, sanctified, elected, DNA of humanity in his threadbare pockets. An utterly adopted son. A why of Adam and of Miriam’s…

An Essay on Lent

I. It’s the time of year when we awake from the drowsy hedonism of summer and jump to our feet, only to glimpse our plans and projects getting away from us. The year is getting into swing. There is a rhythm, like a Dave Brubeck time signature, but you…

New like New.

For Easter Sunday New, like the second coming To faith of an old man In the love of the plain Faced. Like their autumnal child. Unplanned. New, like a child's crowning, labour's pain. Push, He is coming, Push! As good as like that new.…

For God's Elect in Shopping Malls.

For those who would not choose to grow old before the Son of Man comes. A woman with eyes painted on her boobs. Another reading ‘dodgy’, another inscrutable. Unfailingly matched to personal genre. Thematised Personalities of the latter Capitalism. World writ on the chests of post-Christmas shoppers. On their post-Christmas…

A Prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit

Dearest Father, As the sun is full of light, the ocean full of water, Heaven full of glory, so may my heart be full of your Spirit. Pointless are all your purposes to love, and the redemption paid by Jesus, unless your Spirit works within, regenerating my heart, giving me…


The silence, the Silence. Where the Word does not speak. The trees curl and reach, while the sun’s rays creep, creep, Higher and away, it dips below the face. The Last Sun of her days. But the Word knows her ways The Son shall see her face She’ll…