Chasing after the Wind

Chasing after the Wind In the armpit of a tree between striking chords of grass everything chasing nothing everybody chasing breaking wind to interrupt the symphony of airconditioners I think he left a note somewhere Waiting on the obverse of a kite.…

A Cricket Sonnet (with tip of the Hat to John Keats)

Happy is England! I could be content To see no other pitches than its own; To feel no other breezes than are blown By her tall seamers with guileless bowling bent: Yet do I sometimes feel a languishment For wickets ‘Strine, and with inward groan Hunger for fields and Foes…

Re: Dinner Options

A poem on being asked to dinner with friends maunderingly entitled: A Paean of Joy somewhat perplexed by Questions in the Form Of An Improperly Constructed Sonnet by your faithful servant Daniel Anderson Tomorrow night sounds quite alright! what shall we bring? Yes! Anything! a little bite? a tasty mite?…

Urban Hymn

I can't hear myself. Clouds crowd the top of the buildings. Red hair a flare down the grey street. Beats, too many beaten, asyncopation. Your Journey Begins Here, Go! around, around the block, It ends. Clouds shroud the New Jerusalem…

Psalm 65:1-4

A silence of praise is yours, Sounds unsounding ring out. In broken language and crippled moves, We complete our vow. Every word is yours, and still words fail Every move is yours Let us give praise! To you, all flesh is turned, Into your ear, our hearts and hurts are…


The silence, the Silence. Where the Word does not speak. The trees curl and reach, while the sun’s rays creep, creep, Higher and away, it dips below the face. The Last Sun of her days. But the Word knows her ways The Son shall see her face She’ll…