Psalm 65:1-4

Hebrew: Psalm 65:1-4A silence of praise is yours,
Sounds unsounding ring out.
In broken language and crippled moves,
We complete our vow.

Every word is yours,
and still words fail
Every move is yours
Let us give praise!

To you, all flesh is turned,
Into your ear, our hearts and hurts are poured.
The Hearer, the Ear of Prayer.
Who can resist You listening?

An ugly word, what weight of drowning?
More than silence is worth.
You bring forth my voice,
O, Word of forgiveness.

In your house I live.
No guest. A son.
The angels ascending and descending on Him
Raise me up!

In holiness, in that holy place, in His space.
The one who lives with you, lives.

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