All who have departed —William Saumarez Smith

THE PREACHER’S PRAYER LORD, when my heart is slow to feel, And when my lips are slow to speak, And yet my heart still Thee doth seek, And yet my lips would Thee reveal; Then send Thy gracious Spirit, Lord, That He may my dull heart inspire, And touch…

Thoughts of a Tree in Autumn.

1. Deliberation. With less vigour comes deliberation. Those things done, are hard done. Sitting comes to do. Rooted. Even the dust swirls more slowly in the quiet. Golden in tangibility, in this little room of light with walls and dimensions that has taken space within my room. At my fingers’…

New like New.

For Easter Sunday New, like the second coming To faith of an old man In the love of the plain Faced. Like their autumnal child. Unplanned. New, like a child's crowning, labour's pain. Push, He is coming, Push! As good as like that new.…

What it means to preach.

I walked around in a daze yesterday. Felt like I’d spent the night going rounds in an underground Fight Club. My tender bits ached. There was this sort of slosh of spent adrenaline, an acid bath, chewing on the strings of my muscles. I couldn’t write words, I…

True Grit: Review Part 3

Part 2 “The wicked flee when none pursueth.” (Proverbs 28:1). In the original novel by Charles Portis, the verse is quoted by Mattie Ross, the girl-heroine, in her dry narrator’s voice explaining the flight of Tom Cheney, the man who killed her father. Mattie is the revelation of…

True Grit: Review Part 2

Part 1 In Sergio Leone’s films (I’m thinking particularly of his trilogy: A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly), for the first time the dirt and sweat and moral complication of life on the frontier seemed to leave its…

True Grit: Review Part 1

This is a 3 part review of the Coen Brother’s film, True Grit. I’ll post it over the next 3 days. It is unashamedly meandering. But from the start you and I have a problem. I can’t really write about the film without disclosing information about the…

Grief, Expectation, Comfort

The God of Israel and the God of Jesus Christ invites expectation. Precisely because he has chosen (freely) to be a promising God and therefore an ‘expectable’ God; and precisely because (freely) he fulfils his promises through his sovereign patience and indefatigable persuasiveness (meaning that God is not at the…